Dan Casey.
To the residents of the cozy town of Roanoke, Virginia, a respected OP/ED columnist and humorist. To the patriotic and Constitutionally-minded citizens of the remaining width and breadth of the Old Dominion a self-righteous blowhard with a handful of very bitter, very misguided worshipers stumbling all over themselves to offer up their own liberty for a little slice of security.
And to top this all off, though I cannot cite specifics in his writings (I would be all day poring over his inane blatherings) I am fairly certain he is another in a long line of misguided Lincoln-worshipers who have conveniently chosen to forget that yankee armies of the usurper burned and looted our beautiful Shenandoah, murdering and raping women, children and the elderly and infirmed in order to subjugate his own likely ancestors.
2010 is here. One election cycle is not going to overturn a century-½ of abrogation and federal intervention. Ten election cycles won't do it.