14 April, 2010

McDonnell Signs Restaurant Bill

Finally, after years of unsubstantiated rhetoric and warnings from the left (also unsupported in any statistical presentation on the subject) that restaurants will turn into O.K. Corral-esque shootouts, Virginia governor Bob McDonnell today signed the overwhelmingly supported legislation permitting customers to enter restaurants which also serve alcohol for on-site consumption and carry their personal firearms lawfully concealed.

Virginia follows in the footsteps of 42 other states which presently allow concealed carry in restaurants.

The law (repeal) goes into effect on July 1, 2010.

Up to that point (and beyond) citizens may continue to openly carry their personal defense weapons.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen no drunken shoot-outs in any Virginia restaurants since the new law took effect. Could it possibly be that the liberals were wrong again?
